May 5, 2016

My Top 9 Favorite MCU Characters (4-1)

Hello all!
After today, I will be back with the daily posts, but I am taking some time to focus on other things. However, I felt the need to complete this list before Civil War releases tomorrow (my review will be up on Sunday.)

4. Rocket Raccoon
 Who would have thought that a talking CGI raccoon voiced by Bradley Cooper and shoots an arsenal of different guns, would be one of the coolest and most popular characters that the MCU has had. Fairly unknown before the Guardians film, Rocket just increased the level of fun that GOTG already had. His quips and jokes are similar to Iron Man, but the devious touch to them, such as the "I need his arm" joke in the prison escape sequence, differentiates it. Rocket revealed his backstory of how he was just normal, and then someone put thousands of painful experiments on him to turn him into what he is. His relationship with Groot is also adorable and when he dies towards the end of the film, you see how lost all that he had left, and there is actual emotion there. But the real reason why I love him, is just the comedic aspect and how he can never fail to make me laugh.

3. Peter Quill/Star-Lord

Chris Pratt is currently my favorite working actor. Andy Dwyer from Parks and Recreation was my favorite part of that show (if you haven't seen it, please do. It is the best comedic television show I have seen.) and when I heard he was cast in the MCU I couldn't be more hyped. Pratt owns this role. He is relatable, emotionally captivating, and he is just fun to watch in big space battles, along with his dialogue, which is as funny as Rocket's. There's not much more to say other than he is a total badass, and I can't wait for Guardians of the Galaxy: Volume 2. James Gunn's vision is something that I can rely on, and there's no doubt that this film won't be awesome.

2. Tony Stark/Iron Man
 I was flipping these final two around many times. They are just two awesome character and they are the culmination of what Marvel stands for. Robert Downey Jr. is Iron Man. I would rather they retire the character of Iron Man in the MCU after Downey is tired of 200 million dollar checks and decides to move on, rather than cast a new one. There is nobody to replace him, because he owns this role. Without Iron Man, we wouldn't have an MCU. If you ask me another day, I may say Iron Man is my favorite, because they are just so close. He paved the road for everyone else, and everyone followed his lead. Iron Man is why any of this exists, and for that alone, and the fact that he is hilarious, incredibly smart, and is the kind of lovable jerk, but with kick-ass powers, puts him on this list.

1. Steve Rogers/Captain America

To be honest, if you asked me to make this list without having seen Captain America: The Winter Soldier, I probably wouldn't of even had the Cap on my list. The Russo Brothers elevated this character to a whole new level, crafting a spy thriller, with Chris Evans being a badass. One of the main reasons why I love this character, is because his story is what many guys who feel weak aspire to be. They believe they are useless and fragile, and then they see the story of the weakest kid in town becoming a superhero, and that really inspires young boys, as it did me. His relationship with Black Widow is also very interesting, because everybody thought it was going to go in a romantic direction, but that was too predictable, so it was kind of like a brother/sister relationship. His chemistry with all of the other Avengers is probably my favorite, especially with Stark. Chris Evans, unlike all the other actors, did not start off amazing as this role. In this first film, he was a little shaky. He improved with each film after, and by Age of Ultron, he was fantastic. Captain America is my favorite MCU character. #TeamCap

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