May 14, 2016

Trailer Talk Thursday?: Assassin's Creed

Hello all!
Welcome to the all-too-long wait for a trailer talk! This time, it's for the pretty sweet Assassin's Creed trailer.

Video game movies have never been good. That's just a fact of life. There are some, like Angelina Jolie's Tomb Raider that may be guilty pleasure, but you can't look at one be like "Hey, that was a really great film!" Besides bad writing and all the normal stuff that can cause a film to fail, that main problem with the genre is that the movies always stick far too close to the game. They never feel the need to take the source material, and be creative with it. Assassin's Creed, sure looks like it does that. Personally, I have only played Assassin's Creed 2 and Brotherhood, and they are some damn good games.

Michael Fassbender is one of my favorite working actors. He is magnificent as Magneto, Steve Jobs, and Macbeth. Listing those three roles truly shows the range of Fassbender's talent, and I think he was a great choice for this film.

The trailer looks sick. I like how the Animus functions differently than the games where it essentially just a bed. I also like how Fassbender is not playing any of the established assassins in the games, like Ezio or Altair, but playing his own character. The rooftop action, costume design, production design, all look great. I really hope that the film spends time establishing present day Fassbender, and ancestor Fassbender, to make two character who we see similar traits, but have different ideals. Basically everything looks awesome, except the really bad music that was used. Not a huge Kanye fan, but I just felt like it was out of place.

From a movie I shunned prior to this trailer, to probably my top 5 most anticipated of the remaining year, the Assassin's Creed teaser sure got the hype excited.

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